Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Greatest Place in Downtown Sacramento

The girls (and I)and some friends made another trip to Art Beast on Tuesday. Art Beast is a trek for us since it's located downtown Sacramento but it is worth the drive in every way. It's a wonderful art studio for kids where they can use just about any media they want. The girls and Bressington boys started the day in the puppet and dress up room. From there they went to the open studio where they painted and played with stickers and moon sand. Later we went outside to play with the rocks, sand, and water and had lunch. After lunch, we went back to the open studio for more painting and then into the loft for some birthday celebrations care of Evan and his wonderful pretend-cake-making skills. It was a great day and it was nice to share it with friends, too.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We had so much fun with you all! We will have to make it a monthly adventure! I can't stop telling everyone what an awesome place it is.